

疫情 epidemic/outbreak新冠疫情 covid-19 epidemic/outbreak新冠肺炎疫情 covid-19/ pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus ...

疫情 epidemic/outbreak

新冠疫情 covid-19 epidemic/outbreak

新冠肺炎疫情 covid-19/ pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus

不明原则肺炎病例 pneumonia cases of unknown causes

本土疫情 domestically transmitted covid-19 cases

本土病例 domestic cases/local cases/local infections/cases of locally transmitted infections

聚集性疫情 cluster cases/ clusters of infections

聚集性肺炎病例 cluster of pneumonia cases

社区传播和聚集性病例 community transmission and cluster cases

前所未有、突如其来、来势汹汹 unknown, unexpected and devastating

发布…情况通报、疫情信息 issue information circular on/ update sb. on the development of/ update information on/ send a situation update to/ prompt release of information on the epidemic

疫情积极向好态势 the positive momentum in covid-19 control

本轮疫情流行高峰已经过去 pass the climax of coronavirus outbreak

传播 transmission

潜伏期 incubation period

飞沫 respiratory droplet/droplet

飞沫传播 droplet transmission

气溶胶传播 aerosol infection

粪口传播 fecal-oral transmission

遏制、阻断疫情传播 stem/curb/contain/stop the spread of the virus

坚决把疫情扩散蔓延势头遏制住 resolutely contain the spread of the epidemic

人传人 human-to-human transmission

出现人传人现象 transmit from human to human

减缓疫情扩散蔓延 slower the spread of the virus

阻断病毒人际传播 block human-to-human transmission

阻断病毒传播链条 cut off all channels for the transmission of the virus/contain virus transmission routes

精准追踪和切断病毒传播途径 precisely detect and cut off virus transmission routes

传播速度最快、感染范围最广、防控难度最大 have spread faster and wider than any other, and have proven to be the most difficult to contain

戴口罩不丢人 There is no stigma attached to wearing a mask.

重点人群 key population groups

密切接触者 close contacts/close contacts with covid-19 cases

境外入境人员 inbound travelers

发热门诊患者 patients in fever clinics

新住院患者及陪护人员 new inpatients and their caregivers

医疗机构工作人员 staff working at medical institutions

口岸检疫和边防检查人员 quarantine and inspection staff at ports and borders

监所工作人员 staff working at prisons and detention houses

社会福利养老机构工作人员 nursing home workers

患者&病例 患者&病例

查找接触者 contacts tracing

病毒的无症状携带者 asymptomatic carrier of the virus

病毒携带者 carrier of the virus/virus carrier

隐形携带者 silent carrier

确诊患者、疑似患者 confirmed cases, suspected cases

发热患者、确诊患者的密切接触者 febrile patients who might be carriers and close contacts

中间宿主 intermediate host

输入性病例 imported cases

新冠肺炎住院病例 hospitalized covid-19 patients

新增治愈出院病例 newly cured and discharged coronavirus patients

临床 临床

新冠肺炎的临床表现 the clinical presentation of covid-19

临床试验和上市使用 clinical trials and application

传播途径、临床表现 transmission routes and clinical symptoms

肺部病变 lung lesions

基础疾病 underlining diseases/conditions

治愈&死亡 治愈&死亡

发病率 incidence rates

死亡率 fatality rates/mobility rates

病死率 CFR (case fatality rates)

治愈率 cure rates/recovery rates

提高收治率和治愈率 raise admission and cure rates

降低感染率和病亡率 reduce infection and fatality rates

炭疽病 anthrax

抗击新冠高频词2 抗击新冠高频词2

进口冷链食品 imported cold-chain food

提升口岸通关效率 improve customs clearance efficiency

避免货物积压滞港 avoid overstocking

保障产业链供应链稳定 ensure the stability of the industrial and supply chain

德尔塔毒株 Delta Variant

乏力 fatigue

嗅觉、味觉减退 reduced sense of smell and taste

南京疫情 covid-19 cases in Nanjing

张家界景区关闭 closure of scenic areas in Zhangjiajie

新冠病毒核酸检测移动实验室 covid-19 mobile laboratory

采集咽拭子 taking throat swabs

口腔咽拭子采样机器人 throat swab sampling robots

灭活处理 virus inactivation

交叉感染 cross infection

即时检验 point-of-care testing


全员/集中核酸检测 mass nucleic acid testing

进行人群抽样检测 conduct spot-checks

防控、诊疗、监测 prevention and control, diagnosis and treatment, monitoring

流行病学调查和实验室监测 epidemiological investigation, laboratory monitoring

严格健康核验、体温监测 conduct a strict check of health and body temperature

医学巡查、流行病学调查 medical inspection, epidemiological investigation

医学排查、采样监测 medical screening, sample monitoring

抗体检测 antibody tests

血清学检测 serological tests

检测试剂盒 testing kits/test kits

核酸检测 nucleic acid testing

核酸检测试剂盒 nucleic acid testing kits

扩大新型冠状病毒核酸检测试剂供给能力 boost the capacity for producing virus nucleic acid testing kits

冠状病毒检测结果为阳性 test positive for covid-19/the coronavirus

复阳 retest positive/retest positive for infection

疫苗 vaccine

灭活疫苗 inactivated vaccines

重组蛋白疫苗 recombinate protein vaccines

腺病毒载体疫苗 adenovirus vector vaccines

核酸疫苗 nucleic acid vaccines

疫苗接种 vaccinate/get vaccinated/take vaccine/vaccination

流感疫苗接种 flu vaccination

单针接种疫苗 single dose vaccine

激发身体的免疫作用 induce an immune response

新冠疫苗紧急使用 emergency use of covid-19 vaccines

新冠疫苗进入临床试验阶段 covid-19 vaccines entering stages of clinical trials

开展Ⅲ期临床试验 launch phase III clinical trials

获批附条件上市 conditional market approval for public use

获批紧急使用 emergency use authorization

紧急使用认证 emergency use listing

新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划 COVAX

实现疫苗在发展中国家的可及性和可担负性 ensure vaccine accessibility and affordability in developing countries

秉持人类卫生健康共同体理念 uphold the concept of a shared community of health for all

人类卫生健康共同体 a community of common health for mankind

人类命运共同体 a community of shared future for mankind

推动疫苗成为全球公共产品 turn covid-19 vaccines into global public goods

于2021年底前向全球提供20亿剂新冠肺炎疫苗 to have 2 billion doses of covid-19 vaccines available by the end of 2021

自费经济体 higher-income financing countries

受资助经济体 low-income funded nations


应急响应级别 emergency response level

重大突发公共卫生事件 major public health emergency

国际关注的突发公共卫生事件 PHEIC (Public Health Emergency of International Concern)

坚定信心、同舟共济 firm up confidence and strengthen solidarity

同舟共济、守望相助 solidarity and mutual assistance

科学防治、精准施策 adopt a science-based approach and take targeted measures

依法 in accordance/compliance with the law, as required by law

本着依法、公开、透明、负责任的态度 in an open, transparent and responsible manner/way in accordance with the law/as required by law

公开透明就是指发现一例报告一例,是什么就是什么,不得瞒报漏报 Being open and transparent means a new case must be reported once it's discovered. It is what it is. There must be no concealing or underreporting.

人民至上、生命至上 Put the people's lives first--nothing is more precious than people's lives

把人民生命安全和身体健康放在第一位 make people's lives and health its first priority/ put people's live and health first/ people's lives and health must come first

把医疗救治工作摆在第一位 the treatment of patients remains the top priority

不麻痹 remain vigilant

不厌战 avoid succumbing to battle fatigue

有效回应了公众关切 effectively respond to public concern

凝聚了社会共识 build public consensus

全国集中资源和力量 resources are mobilized nationwide

集中力量办大事 mobilized resources to accomplish major initiatives

集中优势资源 pooling premium resources

医院 hospitals

方舱医院 shelter hospitals/makeshift shelter hospitals/pop-up hospitals/Fangcang hospitals

定点医院 designated hospitals

传染病专科医院 infectious disease hospitals

医院超负荷运转 hospitals being overwhelmed

医院被挤兑 overrun hospitals

医疗物资 medical supplies

医用口罩 medical masks

护目镜 safety goggles

防护服 protective suits

负压病房 negative-pressure isolation ward

院内感染 hospital-based infection

直接接触 physical contacts

疑似感染 being suspected of being infected

感染上病毒 pick up/contract the virus

分离出病毒 isolate the virus

中西医结合 the integration of traditional Chinese Medicine and Western medicine/ both traditional Chinese Medicine and Western medicine are applied/TCM is used in combination with the Western medicine

现场调查 conduct on-site investigation

开展病因学和流行病学调查 conduct etiological and epidemiological investigation

流行病学家 epidemiologists

流行病学调查 conduct epidemiological investigation/survey


中低风险地区 medium-and-low risk areas

自我隔离 self-isolation

在家隔离 isolate at home

医学观察 medical observation

封城 lockdown

封闭式管理 close-off management

出行管控 travel restrictions

解封 easing of lockdown

疫情防控 epidemic prevention and control

防控和救治 contain the epidemic and treat the infected

诊断标准 diagnostic criteria

诊疗方案 diagnosis and treatment protocol for novel coronavirus pneumonia

防控方案 protocol on prevention and control of novel coronavirus pneumonia

联防联控机制 a joint prevention and control mechanism

分区分级精准防控 adopt a targeted, tiered and region-specific approach on prevention and control/ take a targeted, region-specific and tiered measures for covid-19 prevention and control

分类救治、分级管理 adopt a condition-specific and category-based approach

差异化防控策略 differentiated prevention and control measures

最全面最严格最彻底的防控措施 extensive, stringent, thorough prevention and control measures

应收尽收、应治尽治、应检尽检、应隔尽隔 all those in need are hospitalized, treated, tested and isolated/quarantined as appropriate

早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗 early detecting, reporting, isolation/quarantine and treatment

抗击疫情 fight/stem against the epidemic/pandemic; beat the virus

打响疫情防控的阻击战 launch a battle to prevent and control its spread

打赢疫情防控的人民战、总体战、阻击战 win the people's war, an all-out war and a resistance war to prevent and control the epidemic/ to stem the spread of and win the people's all-out war against the virus

武汉保卫战、湖北保卫战 the battle to defend Hubei and its capital city of Wuhan/ an all-out battle to defend Wuhan and Hubei

国债 government/treasury bonds

国家发行的债券 government debt securities issued by the central government

抗疫特别国债 special government bonds for covid-19 control

复工复产 the resumption of business operations/normal daily life

复工复产推进工作机制 mechanism to facilitate the resumption of work

有序恢复生产生活秩序 an orderly return of work and daily life/ work and life gradually return to normal/ the resumption of work and life/ restore work and daily life

常态化防控 an ongoing prevention and control/ conduct prevention and control on an ongoing basis

“健康码” “通信大数据行程卡” health QR codes / digital travel records

佩戴口罩、保持社交距离、减少聚集 to wear a mask when going out, maintain social distancing, avoid crowded gathering

加强体温监测 step up body temperature monitoring

减少人群聚集 reduce crowded gathering

封闭、空气不流通的公众场合 enclosed public places with poor ventilation and venues

勤洗手、常通风 frequent hand-washing and regular ventilation

外防输入、内防反弹 to prevent inbound cases and domestic resurgence/local transmissions/a recurrence of domestic cases; to stop inbound cases and forestall domestic infection


以疫谋独 use the pandemic to plot independence/ a cynical scheme to achieve independence

群体免疫 herd immunity

