视译练习——不明原因儿童急性肝炎 Acute hepatitis of unknown


不明原因儿童急性肝炎 Acute hepatitis of unknown origin in childrenA possible case of a mysterious form of child hepati...

不明原因儿童急性肝炎 Acute hepatitis of unknown origin in children

A possible case of a mysterious form of child hepatitis has been found for the first time in Japan, the health ministry has said. Cases so far have mostly been reported in Europe.


据悉,该种不明原因儿童急性肝炎(acute hepatitis of unknown origin in children)由英国首次报告,最早1例于2022年1月出现症状,随后爱尔兰、荷兰等国也陆续报告。据CNN4月15日报道,美国也出现了类似病例。世界卫生组织23日通报称,全球已有12个国家报告了169例不明病因儿童肝炎病例(at least 169 cases had been reported in children in 12 countries),至少1名儿童死亡。患者年龄从1个月至16岁不等,其中17人需要进行肝脏移植(require liver transplantation)。

世卫组织表示,在至少74例患者中检测到一种被称为腺病毒-41病毒。专家表示,这些病例可能与一种感冒病毒有关(the cases may be linked to a virus commonly associated with colds),但进一步的研究仍在进行中。“腺病毒是一种假设(adenovirus is a possible hypothesis),对病因的调查仍在进行中,”世卫组织指出,74例病例中检出普通感冒病毒腺病毒,20例病例中检测出新冠病毒(tested positive for the coronavirus)。


腺病毒 adenovirus

甲型肝炎 Hepatitis A

乙型肝炎 Hepatitis B

丙型肝炎 hepatitis C

肝硬化 cirrhosis

A possible case of a mysterious form of child hepatitis has been found for the first time in Japan, the health ministry has said. Cases so far have mostly been reported in Europe.


据悉,该种不明原因儿童急性肝炎(acute hepatitis of unknown origin in children)由英国首次报告,最早1例于2022年1月出现症状,随后爱尔兰、荷兰等国也陆续报告。据CNN4月15日报道,美国也出现了类似病例。世界卫生组织23日通报称,全球已有12个国家报告了169例不明病因儿童肝炎病例(at least 169 cases had been reported in children in 12 countries),至少1名儿童死亡。患者年龄从1个月至16岁不等,其中17人需要进行肝脏移植(require liver transplantation)。

世卫组织表示,在至少74例患者中检测到一种被称为腺病毒-41病毒。专家表示,这些病例可能与一种感冒病毒有关(the cases may be linked to a virus commonly associated with colds),但进一步的研究仍在进行中。“腺病毒是一种假设(adenovirus is a possible hypothesis),对病因的调查仍在进行中,”世卫组织指出,74例病例中检出普通感冒病毒腺病毒,20例病例中检测出新冠病毒(tested positive for the coronavirus)。


腺病毒 adenovirus

甲型肝炎 Hepatitis A

乙型肝炎 Hepatitis B

丙型肝炎 hepatitis C

肝硬化 cirrhosis

