CATTI高频表达汇总 ——人权 Human Rights


民族歧视 racial discrimination宗教歧视 religious discrimination仇恨言论 hate speech种族主义 racism侵犯少数民族利益 ...

民族歧视 racial discrimination

宗教歧视 religious discrimination

仇恨言论 hate speech

种族主义 racism

侵犯少数民族利益 violate the rights of minority groups

酷刑 savage torture

人权保障 human rights protection

中等收入群体 middle-income population/groups

中国特色人权发展道路 the path of human rights development with Chinese characteristics

人权保障新举措 new measures to protect human rights

人权对话 human rights dialogues

人权磋商 human rights consultations

言论自由 free speech

人权机构 human rights institution

任意扣押/任意拘留 arbitrary detention

以人权为名行干涉之实 constitute interference under the disguise of human rights

人的全面发展 the well-rounded development of the people

普遍性原则 the universal principles

改写了…发展史 have written a new chapter in the history of...

具有鲜明中国特色 one that is distinctively Chinese

中国实际 the context of the national conditions

把...放在首要位置 putting...first/ the primary position of

人民幸福生活是最大的人权 living a life of contentment is the ultimate human right.

以发展促进人权保障 promoting human rights through development

新时代人权观体现了人权的人民性 His thought on human rights highlights the position of the people

人权的普遍性原则 the principle of universality of human rights

走出一条...道路 pioneering a path

初步形成 began to take shape

得到更高水平的保障 be safeguarded at a higher level

为保障人权夯实法治基础 laying a solid legal foundation for ensuring human rights.

依法享有广泛的权利和自由 enjoy extensive/a wide range of rights and freedom endowed/prescribed by law

生存权发展权 rights to subsistence and development

人权义务 human rights obligations

人权事务 human rights affairs

推进世界人权事业发展 advancing human rights around the world/committed to human rights in the world/the global advancement of human rights

中国对世界人权事业作出的贡献 its contribution to international human rights

奠定了根本政治前提和制度基础 laid the political and institutional foundation

国家发展战略和规划 national development strategies and plans

绘就了中国人权事业的美好蓝图 drew a blueprint for future progress in China’s human rights

促进人权事业全面发展 promoting comprehensive progress in human rights/makes every effort to achieve comprehensive progress in human rights

是推动中国人权事业进步的发力点 it drives human rights progress in the country

中国人权事业发展的最高追求 the ultimate goal of the cause of human rights in China

人权治理体系 human rights governance system

人权事业 the course of human rights

联合国千年发展目标 the UN Millennium Development Goals

通信自由 freedom of correspondence

保障…权利不受侵犯/保障…权利得到落实 ensuring the inviolability of citizens’ rights/making sure that citizens enjoy rights

公民人身权、财产权、基本政治权利 citizen rights including personal rights, property rights and basic political rights

公民经济、文化、社会等各方面权利 citizens enjoy rights in economic, cultural, social and all other respects

保障人民各项权利和自由 ensure the rights and freedoms of the people

知情权、参与权、表达权、监督权 the rights to be informed, to be engaged and to be heard, and the right to oversee.

享有平等自由权利以及经济、社会、文化权利 enjoy rights to equality and freedom and to economic, social and cultural services

民主选举、民主协商、民主决策、民主管理和民主监督的权利 rights to democratic elections, consultations, decision-making, management, and oversight

人民当家作主的权利 the rights of the people as the masters of the country

男女权利平等 equal rights for men and women

妇女和儿童合法利益 the lawful rights and interests of women and children

残疾人权利 the rights of persons with disabilities

权利公平、机会公平、规则公平 equal rights, equal opportunities and fair rules for all

尊重和保障人权 respect for and protection of human rights/ respecting and protecting/ guaranteeing/ safeguarding human rights

将...写入宪法 included in the Constitution... / added the line... into the Constitution

带头履行...宪法责任 takes the lead in fulfilling the constitutional responsibility

健全尊重和保障人权的体制机制 improving the systems and mechanisms for respecting and protecting human rights

人权得到切实尊重和保障 human rights should be fully respected and protected/be respected and guaranteed in real earnest

蕴含着极其丰富的尊重和保障人权精神 embodies the principle of respecting and protecting human rights.

恐吓 intimidation

恐怖袭击 terrorist attacks

中国人权事业要由中国人民来评判 Human rights in China should be judged only by the Chinese people

人民的获得感、幸福感、安全感 their sense of gain, happiness and security.

国家一切权力属于人民 all rights of the state belong to the people.

人民生存权、发展权 the rights to subsistence and development

首要的基本人权 the primary and basic human rights

中国共产党在人权上的政治原则 the basic political principle of the CPC on human rights

人道主义救援 humanitarian rescue

