

张纯如演讲.mp4Japanese culture glorified power and military strength. And leaders since the beginning of the Meiji Per...


Japanese culture glorified power and military strength. And leaders since the beginning of the Meiji Period, including Emperor Hirohito (裕仁) believe that violence and aggression was necessary for the survival of Japan. They wanted to access the extensive resources available in China.

During World War, two, Japan's invasion of China launched an 8 year war which ultimately killed an estimated 19 million to 35 million Chinese people. And during this time, the Japanese military also lured, purchased or kidnapped hundreds of thousands of women for sexual slavery, for their imperial army. Women who were subjected to some the most horrifying experiences inflicted upon military prostitutes and history. More people would die from the rape of Nan King, then from the atomic blasts at Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. The Japanese military had issued a kill all captives order at the time, which seems to have come as a directive from some of the highest levels of military power. Across the city, the army machine gunned tens of thousands of Chinese men, or buried them alive, or use them for bayonet (刺刀) practice, or decapitation contests, or thousands of men were simply sprayed with gasoline and set on fire.

Now, most of these executions were efficient, but there were men who died under the most slow, sadistic, and excruciatingly painful circumstances. When Japanese soldiers turned murder into sport. After killing most of the men in the city in this fashion, the Japanese army then turned their attention on the Chinese women. In the city of Nanjing. No woman was safe. Japanese soldiers raped great grandmothers over the ages of 80 along with children under the ages of eight. In the end, the Japanese raped more than 20,000 women and girls in Nan King, and some estimate that the figure is probably as high as 80,000 women and girls.

The government tried to control the libido of the Japanese soldiers by creating their own prostitution ring, which we now know as the comfort women system or the Korean comfort women system, and estimated 200,000 women, most of them, Korean women, but many also from other Asian countries. Some of whom are also caucasian, such as Dutch women were forced to serve in what the Japanese government called facilities of sexual comfort to stop troops from raping women in regions that they controlled in China.

Many of these comfort women were only teenagers or even children when they were captured.


Emperor Hirohito, grand uncle of Prince Osaka had commanded the attack on Nan King and was the ranking officer in the city at the height of the atrocities. An uncle of Empress Nagako. Hirohito 's wife, was chief of the Army Air force, Hirohito's uncle, Prince Kanan with chief of the army. General staff, they all knew of the massacres. This was a close knit, imperial family in which powerful roles were doled out by the emperor to family members for their unquestionable loyalty and allegiance to him. In fact, during 1940, Hirohito sanctioned (许可 批准) the first experimental use of bacteriological weapons in China. He personally initiated and directed the military unit 731 to perform anthrax and other biochemical experimentation and vivisection on Chinese civilians and POWs (战俘), emperor Hirohito's main concern during the war in China was success and territorial expansion. He was excessively tolerant of senior officers who had committed criminal acts of insubordination and he refused to punish them. He would even grant awards and promotions to thousands of military and civil officials for meritorious service during the war. For young officers throughout the army and navy, the message went out that the emperors main concern was success. He was determined to watch his empire expand. And that was this one and only goal, regardless of the consequences to China or Japan


In the realm of apologies, we all know that Germany has made several profuse apologies to their wartime victims, but the Japanese government has yet to deliver one sincere apology directly to the survivors of the Nan King massacre or to their families. It's some of the apologies that they claim to have made to the wartime victims in general, have often avoided the word use of the words Apologies in general, preferring words like remorse or regret, and is not really deemed as sincere by many of the victims of the Japanese across Asia.


Now, in the realm of war restitution, the differences between how the two countries have dealt with their wartime past loom large, the Germans have paid the equivalent of about U.S.$60 billion, in war reparations to their victims and will continue to pay several more billion by the year 2005. But the Japanese government has paid close to nothing, and certainly not 1 penny in reparations to the victims of Nan King. What's even more disturbing, I think, is how the subject of World War Two is taught in schools in both countries. The Germans have required by law, the teaching of the history of the Jewish holocaust in their schools. And then a teacher who refuses to participate or neglects to teach this history is simply breaking the law. But the Japanese government, far from mandating the study of their World War II aggression, has through the Ministry of Education openly impeded the experts of textbook authors to do so in that country. And have even censored, white, washed or distorted details of the Nan King atrocities and other wartime crimes from school textbooks. Despite a three decade long lawsuit waged against the Ministry of Education by textbook, author and historian Ienaga Saburo 家永三郎(日本史学家,曾揭露日本在二战中的罪行).

