碳中和 Carbon neutrality


ESG 环境、社会与企业治理 (Environmental, social, and corporate governance)碳边境调节机制(Carbon Border Adjustment Mecha...

ESG 环境、社会与企业治理 (Environmental, social, and corporate governance)碳边境调节机制(Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism,以下简称CBAM),也被称作碳 关税或碳边境调节税,是指在实施国内严格气候政策的基础上,要求进口或出口的高碳产品缴纳 或退还相应的税费或碳配额。 推行CBAM主要理由是减少碳泄漏,维护境内企业的竞争力。


MRV 欧盟排放交易体系的监测系统(MRV)

Climate Change Expert Group work on Measurement, Reporting and Verification



CCER(Certified Emission Reduction)是国家核证自愿减排量的简称,指的是依据《温室气体自愿减排交易管理暂行办法》的规定,经国家发改委备案并在国家注册登记系统中登记的温室气体自愿减排量,单位为“吨二氧化碳当量”。

Carbon Footprint Tracking: Blockchain Transparent Supply (BTS)

Supply Chain Control Tower 供应链控制塔 (IBM)

ethane乙烷、propane丙烷、naphtha石脑油, and other components along with the crude oil refining process of Chevron雪佛龙;

1. The primary processed product is ethylene乙烯processed by Dow Chemical陶氏化学 and then processed into polyethylene granules聚乙烯颗粒. The polyethylene granules are transferred to Aptah阿普塔 to make plastic bottles塑料瓶 and handed over to Unilever联合利华 for bottling of laundry detergent洗衣液;

2. Chevron‘s雪佛龙primary processed propane丙烷 is formed by Dow Chemicals to form propylene oxide环氧丙烷, which is then made into propylene glycol丙二醇through Solvay索尔维公司 and handed over to Unilever联合利华 as a raw material for the production of laundry detergent洗衣液原料.


Value analysis value engineering

3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

Lean production

Digital intelligence upgrade

碳汇 carbon sink

碳捕集利用与封存技术( Carbon Capture, Utilization and

Storage,以下简称 CCUS)是指将 CO2 从工业过程、能源利用或大气中分离出来,直接加以利用或注入地层以实现 CO2 永久减排的一系列技术的总和。CCUS 技术起源于上世纪 70 年代对于 CO2 的驱油利用,从全球视角下大致历经三个阶段,现已进入商业化初期快速增长阶段。CCUS 目前在全球 25 个国家均有部署,美国和欧盟处于领先地位。

