

诫子书 诸葛亮(三国)





An Admonishing Letter to Son Zhuge Zhan

Zhuge Liang(The Three Kindoms Periods)

To behave oneself,a noble person should be quiet to cultivate morality and stay frugal to cultivate virtue.It is through living a simple life that one knows one’s life’s goal;It is by leading a quiet life that one achieves lasting accomplishments.Learning is in want of quietness,capability is in want of learning.To increase one’s ability there is no other way but learning,to achieve accomplishments there is no other way but aspiration.

Arrogance arouses none of one's efforts,impatience remedies none of one’s temper.As time flies by year by year and the will power withers away day by day,one can no longer live up to one’s life’s goal and keep up with the time.Then except ending up in destitude,what should one expect for ?


