

揭示民族复兴周期律而抉破之 黄炎培




























1942年6 月20日至7月4日,因国际国内局势紧张,抗战任务艰巨,黄炎培应邀在成都金陵大学举办了十次中华复兴讲座,分析形势,启迪民智。这十次讲座通过对抗战局势的分析,鼓励大家不怕牺牲、勇于奉献,复兴中华国魂,取得抗战最后的胜利。这十次演讲每天早晚各讲一次,每次讲两个小时到两个半小时,本次讲座是第六讲,提出了著名名的“民族兴亡周期律”。演讲影响广大,听众有青年学生、工商界从业员、军政人员和机关公务员,有的甚至从十里以外步行前来听讲。黄炎培中华复兴讲座的十次讲稿,先在《国讯》上陆续发表,后来根据读者的要求,于1943年底合成单行本《中华复兴十讲》由重庆国讯书店出版发行。



 Revealing and Breaking up the Periodic Law of National Rise and Fall


The ten lectures given this time could be grouped into two parts——the former five lectures being like a prologue,while the later five being like the main body,and what I am going to talk today is the very beginning of main body of the text.

Fellow listeners,I am always thinking ,to be born into this world, what on earth should a person cast his interest on?I’m afraid  the biggest interest is to enlarge the scope of new knowledge at any moment.Let’s take the World War II for example,I have learned quite much new knowledge from the war.Tonight ,I’m going to provide with you one of the most important knowledge I have acquired from the war.Hope everyone of you consider them and examine their correctness.

We could often see a family or a friend, poverty-stricken at first, gradually became prosperious and rich ,and then started to decline again.I am now sixty years old and in my short period of life time ,I have seen these people and these families with my own eyes ,they were from poor to rich ,then from rich to poor again;or from humble to noble ,and  again from noble to humble,and the number is not small.I’m always wondering about the reason.

There once was a  predecessor who had drawn the following  picture to illustrate the cause of the rise and fall of a household.The picture goes like this:

This picture shows that a person or a family’s  rise and fall is completely confined in this circle. The originally poor are sure to be hardworking and thrifty,and being hardworking and thrifty he shall succeed. After success,he wants to indulge into enjoyments and incline to get extravagant.Being both extravagant and lazy, surely he is about to fail.When failed,he has to strive to work hard and be thrifty ,and then again he is gradually on the way to success. When I first saw this picture,I didn’t quite catch it. I didn’t fully understand it  until the Pacific War was initiated——what did I get then? Let me do some detailed explaination. One day ,I was talking with a natural scientist.When we came to this circumference-circulation picture,he told me,this is exactly the same with that of the periodic law of natural science. In chemistry,atoms change in a fixed orbit;and in physics,the power functions in a fixed orbit as well. At this,I deeply sensed that I find a theory again that the natural science and social science are interlinked. I shut my door tightly and pondered on it over and over again.And then suddenly,I made it. I came to find that this periodic law is open to China and overseas, ancient and modern.And I saw that there is an interval in the middle of the circumference where it could be broken up.What I’m going to talk later on is the way to break it up.

Before the World War II,many a countries exaggeratedly claimed themselves to be superpowers over the sea and powers on the land,yet were openly smashed at just one blow.While some other countries, though originally treaded upon by other countries,managed to stand up at beating of the blow!I think this phenomenon is quite worth studying.Let me give some examples:

First of all,Germany,for instance,has been severly oppressed by the treaties of the World War I,and could not raise head for almost 20 years.Later on,it strived to work hard painstakingly and when this world war started,in no time it perished more than a dozen of countries large or small,even the power of France had to bend to surrender.This shows that  Germany,like a failed family ,strived to succeed ,as I have talked in the first lecture,to revive from the failure. Eventrually,they made it. From failure to success,what a family needs solely is to be hardworking and thrifty.Then,how about a nationality,a country?To strive to work painstakingly is hardwork,to increase production and decrease expenditure is thrift,except for these,they still need three more words—— dare to die. If a country wants to revive from failure,the first thing they need is daring to die. Because the rival countries are successful,they are inclining to indulge into enjoyments.They neither want to die nor dare to die.They do not want to die yet we do;they dare not die yet we dare,surely we will succeed in the end.  

Then,we turn to cast an eye on some other countries,the traditional powers and most firmly and completely armed countries,only to find their strongholds occupied by others in no time and quickly submerged. According to the newspaper reports,when submerged,they still have hundreds of connons,thousands of machine guns.

Why didn’t these connons open fire?Why didn’t they put these machine guns into use?Alas,forget about it!It is a sure proof that people are living an extravagant life and indulge into the enjoyments and get toally intoxicated in this wonder land.How nice!Why war?Why risk our lives? Of course,this is an occasional phenomenon,and we shouldn’t take it as an imagination of their whole future, but we should severly be aware of this ,so  I add an outside circle on the picture as follows:

As for the Pacific War,what I know could prove the correctness of the picture to some extent.It is know to all that Hongkong used to have a sound military preparation,but what did they turn out to be after the warfare?Fellow listeners,isn’t it a best proof of this picture?

Let’s look back at Japan.The Japanese warlords are running wild and have committed heinous crimes,  and they really fall into what the saying goes,‘Everybody has the right to punish.’ But somehow they have a way in their heinous way which we should pay head to.

It is beyond  everybody’s anticipation that the Pacific War would have started on December 7th last year.According to my memory,before the war was initiated, there was a Japanese envoy called Saburo Kurusu who was still negotiating with the State Council of the United States of Ameirca.But before their saliva got dry, they were engaged into war!This is utterly shameless indeed. But after all, how to fight the war ?We all know that the Japanese  attack on that day,as the U.S. acknowledged,has made Pearl Harbore suffer great losses. But how did they manage to succeed?The U.S.did make much preparations. The reason is that when Japan attacked Pearl Harbore,except for the usage of some ordinary aircrafts and warships,they have used a special kind of weapon called“suicidal submarine”.It is a kind of minimum submarine with only one occupant.When the suicidal submarine was fully loaded with gunpowder , geared at full speed and dashed to the target, the targeted warship is surely to be bombarded,but both the piloting officer and the submarine should also be smashed to pieces,there is not a single survival chance out of ten thousand times——this is called “suicidal submarine”. Let’s make a comparison,the sacrificial spirit on one side is that high,yet the other side is  extravagant and lazy and fear to die to such an extent,how could the fomer compare to the later in strength! Aren’t the above facts a powerful proof of this picture?

As for daring to die,I’d like to remind everbody ,on this point,we shoul never look down upon our enemy.The Japanese are really daring to die.According to newspaper openly reporting,I will put forward an incident for everyone——in the third Changsha battle,we greatly defeated the enemy.The resultant failure caused Lieutenant General Abe,Japanese commander in chief of Changsha battle to committ happy dispatch.The  history of committing happy dispatch in Japan is fairly long.One of the earliest  happy dispatch in Japan took place some four hundred years ago, when Kusunoki Masashige,a then faithful and courageous Japanese general was unable to stop his surbordinate general Ashikaga Takauji an armed rebellion,because he could not serve the king well and save the country , he blamed himself so much that he raged to lead his whole family to commit happy dispatch. This happened approximately during the Wanli period of Ming Dynasty. After this , when faced with unfair or hatred matters,if the ordinary officers felt regretful to the country ,to the Mikado,they would all committ happy dispatch.Utill now,it is still prevailing throughout the whole country.The Japanese are really daring to die!Nevertheless,I ’m not intending to help increasing others’ ambition and diminish the courage of our own. The reason that I say the Japanese are hard to deal with ,only to prove that our five years’anti-Japanese war are of greater value.To deal with such a fierce and arrogant country, we can fight with them for five years,what on earth do we depend on?All depends on our daring to die.And here,Allow me to tell everybody some facts.

Just now ,we came to talk about the‘Suicidal Submarine’,we figure it to be very fearsome.But it counts nothing at all. We have more than enough in China.To be able to sacrifice for and dedicate to the country,the Japanese officers need to train for a fair long period of time,while we ordinary people could do it. On January 28th,when we first fought the Japanese army in Shanghai, their ammunitions had to be loaded on Wu Song Port, and then transported by big trucks to Zha Bei District,Jiangwan Bay,Shanghai.From Wu Song to Shanghai along Huangpu River,there is a road called YiZhouTang Road.When the enemies were fighting with us,a big truck fully loaded with ammunitions rushed to the front. The driver, surnamed Hu ,called Hu A Mao,when drove his car half way,began to ponder.He thought,if this truck of ammunition were transported to Jiangwan Bay,no wonder many Chinses people were going to be killed.If running away, because Japanese officers were escorting the truck ,and  there was no escaping chance at all.It took him a long time to make a final determination.When he drove to somewhere in middle of the way, all of a sudden,he geared at full speed and dashed directly into the center of Huangpu River. With the sound of Hong,a truck of Japanese officers and ammunitions got completely lost.Hu himself lost his life as well. Fellow listeners! In what way does’t driver Hu compare with the Japanese suicidal submarine? What thought to be that great in Japan,remains so common in China,envn an ordinary driver whom the Japanese officers paid little attention could do it. The Japanese have especially built a status in memory of Kusunoki Masashige,while we treat it a matter of little importance in China.We all know that it is not a trifle thing that we could fight against Japan for five years,though we depend on the exdrodinary leadership from the top leaders,yet people with  the spirit of daring to die are somwhow a decisive factor as well.This is why we could manage to fight till today.

However,since we have so many good people,good will and good masses in China,why we still have lost so many lands and can not regain as quickly as we wish?This is because there are some other people who have treaded upon a wrong way,an extravagant and lazy way,fearing to die.Those who have treaded upon the hardworking and thrifty way,a way daring to die, managed to fight the anti-Japanese war for five years and the more they fight the stronger they get.While those who treaded upon the extravagant and thrifty way,have caused China to have lost so many territories.The coexistence of these two kinds of people in the same time have driven China into the current situation that we neither succeed nor fail,neither survive nor die.The reason that we could neither survive nor succeed is because we suffer losses from the later kind of people ;the reason that we could neither die nor fail is because we largely depend on the former kind of people who have treaded on a dare-to-die path.This is crystally  clear and neither exaggerating nor unfair at all.

Thus, from the above facts,it is very obvious that this picture greatly concerns the national rise and fall.If we take a some close look into the Chinese history,about one thousand nine hundred years ago,when the First Emperor of Han Dynasty and Xiang Yu were engaged in the war ,Xiang Yu captured the Emperor’s father and send a message to the Emperor ——Be careful,if you want to make truble for me,I will kill your father and eat his meat!The Emperor thought for a while and answered back——please send me a piece when you are eating my father. Of course,what the Emperor has said sounds like a nonsense utterance from the street boys ,yet it also represents a dare-to-die spirit.In the end,he succeeded for his dare-to-die spirit.Two hundred years later,Wang Mang came to usurp the throne.At that time,the offsprings of Liu Bang were getting degenerated indeed,Emperor Guang Wu was an exception though.In Shanghai dialect,Guang Wu was merely a ‘plain dealer’, but this plain dealer dared to rebel and managed to defeat Wang Mang and came to the throne. This is because Emperor Guang Wu dared to die.Not only him but also the Yuntai twenty eight generals all dared to die.So,they succeeded in the end. Unfortunately,in the last years of the Eastern Han Danasty,the extravagant and lazy ethos prevailed once again.As a result, all the dare-to-die people rose up one after another, thus causing the Three Kingdoms’ chaotic situation taking into form. Comparing to the first years of Western and Eastern Han Danasty,the situation was really deteriorated.From the success of the First Emperor of Han Danasty to the last years of Western Han Danasty ,from Wang Mang to Emperor Guang Wu’s revolution,from the Eastern Han Danasty to the fragmentation of the Three Kindoms by rivaling warlords, all above histories are a sure proof of the correctness of this very picture.

We also come to see that Yuan Danasty in its first years had united the whole Asia ,whose territory reaching farther into Europe’s Italy, Africa’s Egypt, covering an area of three continents :Europe ,Asia and Africa,and whose state power outshone today’s  Germany quite a lot.However,in less than one hundred years,it collapsed completely and nothing remains now.If we examine the reason of its rise and fall, again, we see a circle.This is another example.

In this regard,I gave this picture a name, called “Illustration of Worldwide National rise and fall”.

Is my speech tonight merely on a bystander’s position?Do I make sarcastic comments once for all?No,what I said above is of sense and of great sense.  

I think,that the world affairs should be pondered on carefully.If we know this shall lead to extinction,I just stop it,then everything shall be ok.We should know that,in this picture,should China tread on the Eastern Hemisphere or the Western Hemisphere?If we only seek for momentary happiness in the time being and tread on the Western Hemisphere,we shall sacrifice our offsprings,otherwise,we should tread the Eastern Hemisphere.

Any Chinese who can read Chinese characters should get soul-stirring at sight of this picture.I’m guaranteed that all fellow listeners today are advocating to tread on the Eastern Hemisphere.But this is not enough,we still have to make painstaking efforts to pull back those who have already been to the Western Hemisphere.Fellow listeners,other than us ,who else are responsible to pull them back?

Then, to tread on the Eastern Hemispher, what should we do?And what should we do to pull back  those who have already been to the Western Hemisphere? Please pardon me,it is  fairly hot tonight,and guess everybody have a long day .So I ’ll  just stop my lecture here and leave if for tomorrow.



