《斯嘉丽 ·约翰逊》


斯嘉丽 ·约翰逊



A candid conversation with the star (who’s uninterested in her status as 2016’s highest- grossing actor) about motherhood, monogamy and why she keeps playing lethal superwomen



INTERVIEWER:You were born and raised in New York City. What was it like to grow up here?


JOHANSSON: New York was different then. That makes me sound like an old geezer, but the city was much more accessible. My group of friends was really diverse. We all came from different socioeconomic backgrounds, and our parents did different things. Some parents were drug dealers, some were working in finance, and we all lived in the same community. While it’s still probably the greatest city in the world—I’m biased—I think it used to feel like more was possible here for more people. There’s a great leather store down in the West Village that has been there forever. I was there a couple of months ago, and the guy who has been making sandals since 1967 or whatever is fighting his landlord to stay in that space, because it was once rent stabilized and that doesn’t exist anymore. In the next couple of years it will probably turn into some corporate business. It’s sad, because that’s the heartbeat of New York. That’s what drove the city, what made things seem possible.


INTERVIEWER:Almost everyone I know who grew up in New York City has this lovely quality— not just being exposed to all the different artists working around you but, inevitably, to all these different ways of being, ways of living, ways of seeing the world.


JOHANSSON: And you can be yourself here, or whatever version of yourself you want to be. That’s not possible in a lot of other places. I love the idea of raising my daughter here. She’s probably exposed to so many more things just going to the playground than almost any other toddler her age growing up in a lot of other places. 


INTERVIEWER:You had your daughter in 2015?


JOHANSSON: What year are we in? No, 2014—I can’t even remember. [laughs] She’s two and a half now.


INTERVIEWER:Do you think motherhood has changed you?


JOHANSSON: Oh, it has changed me, yes. Just the process of being pregnant and giving birth was incredibly profound. Also surrendering to the fact that with babies, and particularly infants and toddlers, you have to let go of your expectations and of whatever instincts you have to take control of the situation. Of course, being a mother, you have to make decisions all the time that affect this person who is completely dependent on you, but you also have to surrender to the experience, and that in itself is really liberating. For me, it’s the best thing that has ever happened. Ever. Somebody once described it to me as your heart growing this other chamber, and I think that’s really profoundly true. Your capacity to love something, at least in my experience, deepens to a whole other space. I think I was afraid that life would change, and it does; it dramatically changes. But I feel in a lot of ways more myself now than I did before. 


INTERVIEWER:That’s a beautiful way of talking about it.


JOHANSSON: I understand the importance of my own happiness now more than I did before. Because you see how it affects somebody else, and you’re kind of like, If I’m not happy, then I can’t be in tip-top shape for this other person. 


INTERVIEWER:This question is asked incessantly of women and very rarely asked of working fathers, but do you feel parenthood has changed the way you approach your work?


JOHANSSON: Where I want to be working is definitely something. That’s just a practical part of it, though I’m fortunately at a place in my career, after 20-whatever years, where I can dictate that a little bit. It will probably get more challenging as she gets older, once she’s in school and her life is more established in one place. It’s a struggle for a lot of people, because we exist in this weird nomadic industry where almost everybody on a crew has a family, and it’s hard. It’s hard on relationships; it’s hard on your partner, your kids, family in general, friends.


INTERVIEWER:Has that been a challenge for you?


JOHANSSON: When I was doing Ghost in the Shell, I was in New Zealand with our daughter for six months. It was so hard: The distance and the weight of the job itself were really hard on me. It was a big movie with a lot happening. I spent all day fighting people— and literally fighting with myself. I was battling with the character. I remember saying to Rupert Sanders several times, “Can one good thing happen to this character? One great moment?” The answer was no. Spoiler alert: It’s a fuckin’ dark ride for this person, or cyborg or whatever.




INTERVIEWER:What do you think you’d be doing if you weren’t acting?


JOHANSSON: Oh gosh, I don’t know. I probably would have gone into some kind of medical profession. I’d be rooting around in somebody else! I’m interested in people.


INTERVIEWER:They’re such different disciplines, but they both rely on a kind of intuition.


JOHANSSON: I could have been a dermatologist. I would have actually loved being a dermatologist. That’s a dream job. All my friends are like, “What is this weird thing on me?” And I’m like, “Let me see it!” But I don’t think I could do seven years of schooling. 


INTERVIEWER:I’m also not sure that Hollywood would let you go so easily.


JOHANSSON: Oh, I don’t know. There’s always someone else to fill the void.



INTERVIEWER:I read recently that you were the highest-grossing actor of 2016.


JOHANSSON: I make a lot of movies that have a huge built-in audience, and that drives a lot of it. But it’s been a very productive few years. 


INTERVIEWER:Surveying your body of work, there’s an interesting mix of independent, idiosyncratic films and then these intensely commercial franchise movies. Do you try to keep those things in balance?



INTERVIEWER:Tell me a little about your process as you prepare for a new role.


JOHANSSON: I start  by  trying to find some physicality to the character that I can hold and return to. Whether that’s a self-consciousness, like a person who is worried about aging, or maybe it’s somebody who, like the Major, has no sense of her own. She knows her physical body, but she has no care or awareness of her self.


INTERVIEWER:That’s also true of the women you play in Under the Skin and Her. Each of those characters is essentially just a disembodied consciousness.


JOHANSSON: With Her I actually had a hyperawareness of myself because I was stuck in a black box. It’s just my voice, and so you become hyperaware of certain habits.Doing the sex scene with Joaquin was an exercise in letting go.




