

五斗米 黄炎培








注① :斗,一种中国古代的计量单位,一斗约等于15斤。1946年10月,黄炎培迫于生计,公开卖字,于1948年2月重定润格,并作《五斗歌》述说他的心情和原由。黄炎培在1948年3月15日日记写到:“黄炎培鬻书例:中堂(大者酌加)、立幅、对联、横幅、扇面(以上五种,每件米五斗),屏条(每条米五斗),匾额(每字米五斗),余另议,墨费二成,先润后墨。民纪卅七年二月重订。”

注② :“五斗米”的典故出自《陶渊明传》。书中记载,东晋安帝义熙元年岁终,“会郡谴督邮至县。县吏请曰:‘应束带见之。’陶渊明叹曰:‘我岂能为五斗米,折腰向乡里小儿!’即日解绶去职,赋《归去来兮辞》。” 

注③ :儆惕,读音为jǐng tì ,意思是戒惧或指使戒惧。

注④ :1948年国民党统治区的经济面临崩溃,军费支出剧增,为了弥补巨额财政赤字,国民党政府大量印发钞票,导致通货膨胀,物价飞涨,至1948年8月,上海的物价比1947年底上涨了55倍,比1937年6月上涨了571万倍。国民党政府想控制财政金融的局势,规定以300万元法币兑换1元金圆券,更加搅乱了市场,各种货物被抢购一空,劳动人民挣扎在死亡线上。



Song of Five Dou Rice

by Huang Yankee

Mar.15,1948  Shanghai

Yuan ming won’t bow before five dou rice to be an official,yet I’m willing to bow before five dou rice to compose handwritings.What is the difference between being an official and composing handwritings? Only ask whether they are of significance or not.If officials do not do good to people,yet bring disasters to people , bureaucrats of this kind do harm their offsprings .Each and every word of my handwritings is 

composed by myself.Filled with pleasure ,anger ,sorrow and joy, my poems are a passionate read.

Making fun of and cursing angrily, my articles are a worthy read to help cure wind diseases of head.

Sometimes I write proverbs to caution people and make them alerted.Now,I set a price of five dou rice for

each couplet,each scroll and each fan,in order to benefit people’s body and mind,not merely to feed myself.

I have yet another word to say,please forgive me, I’m not intending to raise the reputation of my handwritings before others,only because the “legal tender”currency inflates and is of little value.


